How Vertigo Treatment can help you
Find the Root Cause
In finding the root cause there are many different conditions that can cause dizziness, vertigo and other symptoms that throw you off balance. Our expert therapists and state of the art technology help us to pinpoint the exact reason for your symptoms so they can be treated as quickly and effectively as possible.
Treat the Symptoms
If the vertigo comes on quick it means that we can usually help you remove the vertigo quickly
Rehabilitation for Chronic Dizziness
If you have had vertigo for many years it can take longer to remove the symptoms
Balance and Falls Safety Assessment
Your ability to stay steady and stable with walking can start to decline after an issue like stroke, long hospital stay or as part of the aging process. By narrowing down the exact cause of your issue our therapists can design a program for you to help yo be more safe, steady and stable through your life.
Dear Friend,
If you are struggling with vertigo, it can be challenging to enjoy your life to the fullest. Vertigo can reduce your quality of life significantly.
At Coeur Physiotherapy in Edmonton, we understand that everyone deserves to live a life free of vertigo. We have assisted many people just like you to overcoming vertigo and its associated symptoms. We are confident our vertigo treatment can help you too.
Schedule an Initial Discovery consultation with us to discuss your specific needs and develop a personalized plan to alleviate your vertigo symptoms. Click the button below to book your appointment and take the first step towards a better quality of life.
Adam Teece

What to expect
At your first visit you’ll review all of your health concerns with your therapist and how they are affecting your life. By the end of your visit, you’ll know:
- What is wrong
- How we can help
- How long it will take
- What it will cost
book Your First Visit
personalized Assessment
Treatment Plan
How our vertigo treatment can We Help You
- FAST treatment for Vertigo & BPPV
- Balance Rehabilitation
- Meniere's Disease
- Vestibular Neuritis
- Vestibular Hypofunction
- Post-Concussion Dizziness
- Epley's Maneuver
- Visual Vertigo
- Cervicogenic Dizziness (neck-related)
- Persistent Perceptual Postural Disorder (PPPD)

Our Vertigo Treatment Therapists

Adam Teece
Certified Vestibular Therapist

Vi Ngo
Certified Vestibular Therapist

Nathan Schmidt
Certified Vestibular Therapist
What Our clients say
Your initial vestibular assessment (Vertigo Treatment) will consist of your physiotherapist performing a comprehensive history, physical assessment, and an initial treatment.
During the history, your physiotherapist will ask you a number of questions about the onset of symptoms, your current symptom state, your medical history, and your functional limitations.
Symptoms of dizziness can be due to a number of various pathologies, so our physiotherapists take special care to rule out non-vestibular causes. Our first priority is to screen vascular and neurological structures, as well as other conditions, that may require immediate medical attention.
After the manual and functional tests, our physiotherapists will then use state of the art infrared goggle technology. This technology has been found to be one of the most accurate ways to diagnose vestibular impairments. The goggles allow our physiotherapists to observe and record irregular eye movements that may not be evident in room light testing. Your vestibular system and your eyes have a direct connection. Problems with your vestibular system can result in changes to your eye reflexes, producing abnormal eye movements called nystagmus. Using our infrared goggle technology, our physiotherapists are better able to examine these eye movements, and, in turn, diagnose your vestibular impairment.
After the physical assessment, our physiotherapists will take the time to educate you on their clinical findings and a diagnosis. Depending on your diagnosis, your initial treatment may include manual therapy techniques, repositioning maneuvers, exercises, or a combination of these. Our physiotherapists will also discuss a treatment plan that will be customized specifically for you. Our treatment plans are based on up to date, evidence-based research and clinically proven techniques.
At Coeur Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists perform all of our vestibular services. If you have extended health benefits for physiotherapy, your vestibular treatments will be covered under this benefit.
Parnes LS, et al. Diagnosis and management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). CMAJ. 2003 169(7):681-693.
VEDA Website:
Click to see list of our insurance rates.
Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment by our expert Physiotherapists
Are you experiencing dizziness or vertigo? Do you find yourself feeling off balance? These symptoms could be the result of a vestibular disorder. Our physiotherapists have been specially trained to assess and treat vertigo as well as a variety of other dizziness and balance disorders.
Did you know?
- 1 in 3 over the age of 40 will experience dizziness or vertigo
- Dizziness and vertigo can be difficult to diagnose – the average dizzy patient sees 4-5 health professionals before receiving a diagnosis
- Physiotherapists are the health professionals trained in most types of dizziness and vertigo treatment
- That some types of vertigo can be completely resolved after 1-2 sessions of vestibular rehabilitation? Other types of dizziness require a longer treatment course but have a very high success rate with rehabilitation
Vestibular conditions we treat:
- BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
- Vestibular Neuritis (Neuronitis)
- Labyrinthitis
- Vestibular Hypofunction or Loss
- Meniere’s Disease
- PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness)
- Vestibular Migraine
- Mal de Debarquement
- Cervicogenic Dizziness (dizziness related to your neck)
- Falls Risk and Balance or Gait Disorders
- Concussion – Acute and Chronic
- Other vestibular disorders
The vestibular system:
Vertigo and dizziness are often due to a dysfunction of the vestibular system. The vestibular system consists of an apparatus located deep in your inner ear consisting of otolith organs, semicircular canals, and nerves that send information from these structures to your brain. The vestibular apparatus plays an important role in balance, coordination, and movement. When your vestibular apparatus is impaired, vertigo, dizziness, nausea, imbalance, vision problems, lightheadedness, and other debilitating symptoms can occur.
Our assessment process:
We use a comprehensive assessment approach that will look at all components of your vestibular system including:
- Screening for serious/urgent medical conditions
- Testing of balance
- Positional testing including the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver and Roll Testing
- Oculomotor testing – looks at how your inner ear may be affecting your eyes and vision
- Infrared Nystamography – uses a high-resolution camera to further examine the connection between the eyes and inner ear for a more precise diagnosis
This testing helps your physiotherapist find the exact cause of your dizziness and so that we can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and vertigo treatment plan.
What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?
Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, your therapist will work with you to develop a vertigo treatment plan to address your particular condition.
Your rehabilitation program may include:
- Repositioning maneuvers for BPPV, including Epley’s Maneuver and others
- Exercises to strengthen your vestibulo-ocular reflexes (connection between your inner ear and eyes)
- Balance and stability exercises
- Exercises to improve your neck mobility, strength, and fine motor control
- Education on how to prevent falls, manage symptoms, and prevent recurrences
Don’t wait to be diagnosed and start your vertigo treatment – contact us today to book an assessment.